Kristin Bethge / Symposium Journalismus und Aktivismus?

Symposium - "Journalism und Activism?"

28.10.2022 / 09:30 - 16:30

"Photojournalism between research and activism"

The German Union of Journalists (dju) in ver.di invites you to a theme day in photojournalism on Friday, October 28th, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. The event will last until 4:30 p.m. and is offered together with the FH Dortmund - Department of Design

What may, can and should photojournalism achieve in the age of a polarized world in which facts no longer form the basis of social discourse? Which ethical principles do photojournalists apply in their work and do their sometimes investigative research automatically turn them into activists? The fact that photography per se is not an objective medium can no longer be disputed in the age of optimized, glossy depictions of life on social media. But the question arises: what function will photojournalism have in the future and how can credibility be established?

The speakers Samira Damato, Kristin Bethge Kevin McElvany and Mathieu Asselin will deal with these questions in their presentations. Afterwards, the participants will also try to find answers to the questions raised above in a discussion round.

Location: Dortmund University of Applied Sciences - FB Design (Aula)
Max-Ophüls-Platz 2, 44139 Dortmund

The symposium is offered as a hybrid event and is in German and English.

An event organized by the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences – FB Design, the German Union of Journalists in ver.di and the ver.di District Ruhr West, Media Department

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2730 729 6652

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