Rudolf Inderst: The Dystopian Trinity of Wolfenstein: The New Order

Rudolf Inderst: The Dystopian Trinity of Wolfenstein: The New Order

23.06.2021 / 18:00 - 19:00

Rudolf Inderst, former visiting professor of media aesthetics at Hochschule Trier and currently teaching game studies at University of Applied Science Neu-Ulm and Fresenius, has been enjoying video games since 1986. Having studied Political Science, American Cultural Studies and Contemporary History at LMU Munich and Copenhagen, he holds a Ph.D in American Cultural Studies and a second doctoral degree in Media Science from the University of Passau. He specializes in Game Studies, and is particularly interested in video essays, political theory, and the history of ideas. Please follow him on twitter: @benflavor. 

This presentation will be held in English.