Ulrich Vogl

Lecture Ulrich Vogl

02.06.2021 / 18:00 - 19:30

Ringvorlesung MA Szenografie & Kommunikation mit ULRICH VOGL: "Of Maps, Tulle and Cloud Houses: Guest Lecture on recent works // Von Karten, Tüll und Wolkenhäusern: Vortrag zu den neueren Arbeiten von Ulrich Vogl" Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021, 6 p.m. (CET) via Webex Join us on: Webex

The starting point for Ulrich Vogl's works is his fascination with everyday objects and places, their stories, and moods. Such objects of interest are primarily those that have increasingly diminished importance today. They are either integrated as they are, transformed, or they are only present as a reference. They are always part of a playful, experimental, and conceptual process, at the end of which is a work reduced to the essential, while the playful 'making-of' remains a visible part of the work. His preferred fields of expression are installations, sculptures, and wall works. Some of them are movable, some work with shadows and projections, often they have cinematic or time-based quality, some are low-tech, a few produce sound. Some are nothing more than a slightly altered version of the original object. They can be tiny or large, inward-looking or expansive. When the pieces work, Vogl calls them "cognitive catalysts."

Ulrich Vogl will present his guest lecture in English. Check out: http://www.ulrich-vogl.de