Prof. Jörg Lensing

Sound Studies - a new field of science between music and media studies

13.10.2021 / 18:00 - 20:00

Sound studies investigates on sound research using the methods of science and technology studies (STS), ethnography, popular music studies and cultural history (especially historical anthropology). Its subjects come from everyday culture and popular culture, the history of science and technology, and the history of sound art.
The field of sound studies, as it has been called for some years now, is emerging where sound research outside of notated music becomes interesting and media studies are dedicated to the audible. Consequently, there are several new courses of study (Copenhagen, Berlin, Bonn) devoted to this new field of science. At the University of Applied Sciences Dortmund, Sound Studies is a module offered in the new Master's programme Creative Audio Director, which started last winter semester. However, this theory module is not only open to Master's students in Sound, but is also an interesting field of media studies for all Master's students in Design.

Consequently, in the past winter semester, three MA CAD students, but also two MA SK students, dedicated themselves to this field of research with their very own interesting topics on sound research. In the form of science talks, each 15-minute audio-visual live lectures, both the five Master's students of FB Design and Prof. J.U. Lensing will introduce into the sound studies in FB Design at the FH Dortmund University of Applied Sciences for the first time. Other lectures can be seen and heard by Master's students Nikita Golovlev, Henning Grossmann, Varun Krishnan, Anastassiya Ponomaryova and Jan Schulten.


Born in Düsseldorf in 1960. Grew up in the south of Düsseldorf as the son of a craftsman and a cartographer. 1975 discovery of creativity with his first music teacher Frank Köllges (drumset). 80s studies composition/electronic music at the Folkwang Hochschule Essen (Prof. Hufschmidt & Prof. Reith) and then master student of New Music Theatre (with Mauricio Kagel - Musikhochschule Köln). 1987 Founded the Düsseldorf THEATER DER KLÄNGE, of which he is still artistic director. 1993 Theatre lecturer (1st international stage class) at the Bauhaus Dessau. Since 1996 professor of sound design at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Married to the dancer/choreographer Jacqueline Fischer (2 children together).