Antrittsvorlesung - Professor Oliver Schwabe

Inaugural lecture - Professor Oliver Schwabe

24.11.2021 / 18:00 - 20:00

Die Antrittsvorlesung von Professor Oliver Schwabe im Rahmen unserer Ringvorlesung muss leider am Mittwochabend aufgrund steigender Coronazahlen rein digital über Webex stattfinden. // Unfortunately, Professor Oliver Schwabe's inaugural lecture as part of our lecture series has to take place on Wednesday evening purely digitally via Webex due to increasing corona numbers.

dESIGN12+  #8:  Oliver Schwabe Wednesday, 24.11.2021, 6:00 p.m. (CET)

Hosted by Prof. Sandra Hacker

Locations: Köln/ Cologne (via Webex)


Lecture Language: Deutsch

Note: This lecture will be held in German, but Q&As are possible in English.


By showing selected excerpts from his documentaries and feature films, Oliver Schwabe will not only describe his working method - from idea-finding and conception to production and the final result - but also will explain the meaning of "instinct", "intuition" and "obsession" within his film works. These aspects are important to be tolerated and permitted to be able to express oneself openly, impartially and curiously through film.

Time is a key factor here. If an encounter, an idea or a thought is allowed to be a trigger for a film work, this is happening in the blink of an eye. On the other hand, to finish the film often takes years. As a consequence, the development of different projects is often only possible contemporaneous which means that works have influence on each other. The time that passes by from the realization of first filmic miniatures to current works creates a space where different (film-) projects do exist at the same time and where these works are related to one another - even after their finalization:
Themes, protagonists, aesthetics, forms and attitude are creating a world that is revealing the essence and the passion of the filmmaker.


Oliver Schwabe studied from 1994 to 1998 at the Academy of Media Art Cologne and completed a semester abroad at New York University, Department Art and Media.
In 1999 his video installation amplifier / intensifier represented the Academy of Media Art Cologne as part of the exhibition Digital Bauhaus at the ICC in Tokyo.
In 2001 he photographed the short film Friends / The Whiz Kids under the direction of Jan Krüger which was awarded a Silver Lion as best short film at the Venice International Film Festival.