Ingamar Nolting gewinnt den GRAND PRIX beim ADC Award

Ingamar Nolting wins the GRAND PRIX at the ADC Award

GRAND PRIX at ADC Award 2021 for the ZEITmagazin "Deutschlandreise 2020" The photographer Ingmar Björn Nolting captured what he experienced when he drove alone through the Republic of Germany for two months at the beginning of the Corona crisis. The work of the 1995 born photographer was published in ZEITmagazin.

The jury said: “Magnificently intense, quietly very loud - a historical document of the times! We get a new look at dystopia in a sensitive and oppressive way. Almost as picturesque as watercolors, a veil hangs over the city in every photo. The invisible virus becomes noticeable. The deliberately stylized color palette in combination with the clear central perspective image structure transports the melancholy and silence of this time in an unbelievable way. "