Das trockene Herz Brasiliens - O Sertão

Das trockene Herz Brasiliens

O Sertão

PERGRAPHICA High White Rough
270 x 230 mm

In nine Brazilian states in the north-east of the country, only 300 kilometers from the coast, life is determined by drought and lack of water. Brown, gray with sprinkles of green is the landscape of the Sertão. 1.5 million square kilometers of arid scrubland - which is five times the area of ​​Germany - broken through by mountain ranges of bizarre table mountains and the Rio Sao Francisco. Over 35 million people live in the north-eastern hinterland, far from the economic and political centers of the country. Once again, the residents are exposed to a major drought. In many places it has not rained enough from 2012 till 2017, the earth has crumbled to dust, the catinga - the scrubland - rise up into the sky like dry skeletons. In the past, people fled the drought, this time they are still holding out. They fight for every cattle, every sheep and every crumb of fertile soil. The wells drilled with the most modern technology are slowly drying up, the reservoirs are drying up. Dirk Gebhardt has been accompanying various families in the region for 5 years and has documented the socio-economic changes in one of the most unknown regions of Brazil.