Marcela Bolivar

Butterland – Delusion of Photography

An exhibition of the MA Photographic Studies of the University of Applied Sciences Dortmund at the Jacobihaus of the artist association Malkasten Düsseldorf.
29.10. - 24.11.19

In the center of the exhibition of works of the BA and MA study courses for photography of the university of applied sciences
Dortmund is an advanced documentary approach, the construction of meaning by the
The use of the photographic image in a media context is a theme.

With works by: Jasper Bastian, Hanna Becker, Marc Botschen, Marcela Bolivar, Anne Brown, Johann Husser, Jan Ladwig, Kristina Lenz, Annelot Meines, Hamon Nasiri Honarvar, Michael Schwarze, Julia Sellmann, Lucrezia Zanardi

Exhibition runtime 29.10. - 24.11.19

Opening and booking on Tuesday 29.10.19 at 19 o'clock
Press appointment 29.10.19 at 15 o'clock
Workshop discussion and book bar 19.11.19 at 19 o'clock
Opening hours: Tuesdays 7 - 10 pm and by appointment