Voltaire Magazine #6 - Release

Voltaire Magazin #6 - Release

Voltaire Magazine # 6 - Release // 8.10.2019 // 7pm // FOYER AULA

The publication of the new edition of the Voltaire magazine with the theme "Fashion ON - OFF" will be celebrated in the foyer in front of the auditorium on October 8, 1919. More than 60 students of the design department studied the fashion industry and the phenomenon "fashion" for 4 months.

They have selected for this year's edition works u.a. Crosslucid, Heide Prange, Feng Li, Nadav Kander, Vincent Boisot, Eric Mirbach, Deborah Brune, Joseph Kadow, Nassim Rad.

The magazine is free as always. And only available at the University of Applied Sciences Dortmund in the design department, while stocks last.