Accademia di Belle Arti "Pietro Vannucci" (ABA)

Dr. Orietta Taschini
Piazza San Francesco al Prato, 506123 Perugia
B1 (für Studierende) / B2 (für Lehrende): Italienisch oder Englisch


Perugia Art Academy is one of the oldest in Italy (second Only to Florence), so it can be placed among the most prestigious cultural institutions of the region. It was founded by the painter Orazio Alfani and the architect and mathematician Domenico Sozi in 1573. Now the Academy is a School of Fine Arts and its educational offering has been structured into Bachelor and Master programs. Bachelor courses are Painting, Scenography, Sculpture and Design. Master courses contain Painting, Scenography, Sculpture and Graphic Arts. The programs of studies safeguard the Italian artistic tradition, but also include highly innovative courses.