BIRDS - Sofia Brandes
BIRDS - Sofia Brandes
BIRDS - Sofia Brandes
BIRDS - Sofia Brandes
BIRDS - Sofia Brandes
BIRDS - Sofia Brandes
BIRDS - Sofia Brandes
BIRDS - Sofia Brandes
BIRDS - Sofia Brandes


Sofia Brandes



Starting from the UK and North America, birding has conquered the world. Tour operators offer birding tours, bird workshops and observation camps. Equipped with spotting scopes, binoculars and cameras, bird lovers travel to the birding hotspots of the world. In Germany birdwatching is by no means as popular as in other nations in Europe / the world. However, the German birding community welcomes you with friendliness and countless tips to facilitate the entry into a wonderful hobby. The world of bird watchers does not revolve around social class, income, political affiliation or age and is as diverse as the bird world itself. The spectrum ranges from feminist "birder women", where equality and having fun together in a group are paramount up to extremely “twitchers” who spare no distance, time and effort to add a “tick” to their personal “lifer list” during a “big year”.

Bird watching is a hobby of great and growing popularity and, in addition to having fun, is based on the code of conduct towards nature. It is a form of competitive meditation that stimulates our senses. Despite the high number of competitors, the birder are based on the law of sporting fairness - birding is a matter of honor and cheating is not tolerated. Countless data sets collected over decades from birders, ornithologists and scientists, as well as the demonstrably changed bird migration, serve as a helpful indicator of the threat to our bird world from global warming and intensified agriculture
dramatic consequences for all of us. There are many reasons to be captivated by birds, after all, they are more like us in many ways
than we think. The mainly diurnal, colorful feathered creatures are omnipresent. Like us, they communicate through voices and visual stimuli with expressive body language. If you are gripped by the "birding virus" there is no stopping you. A closeness to nature, a challenge and a feeling of freedom with pure passion for the world of birds draws the Birder outdoors at all times.