Lars Harmsen - Vortrag - FH JOANNEUM Design & Kommunikation

Lars Harmsen - Vortrag - FH JOANNEUM Design & Kommunikation

28.04.2021 / 17:00 - 18:00

Prof. Lars Harmsen is a creative director living in Munich, Germany. His work is focused on typography, corporate and editorial design. After an apprenticeship as print template manufacturer in the biggest agency of Saarbrücken he studied design at FHNW Academy of Art and Design Basel and the HS Pforzheim University.

1994 he founded MAGMA in Karslruhe and moved to Munich as a founding partner and creative director of Melville Brand Design, a creative agency that specializes in 360‒degree branding and communication. Since 2011 he is professor for design and typography at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences & Art.

2018 Lars Harmsen was Associate Professor at the American University of Sharjah. In 1996 he launched Volcano Type, a type foundry offering more than 200 different typefaces. In 2004 he started the web blog Slanted, dedicated to typography and design, followed by the eponymous Slanted magazine in 2005. What started as a passion‒fueled project, became an independent company in 2014. Slanted Publishers is now operated by Julia Kahl and Lars Harmsen. Harmsen is author and designer of numerous books on design, typography and photography, including Yearbook of Type, Typodarium, Photodarium, Pride & Glory and others. At Melville he is chief‒curator of the artist book series 100for10 and designer of the latest publication, the Makers Bible — a guide for raw and crafted brands.

His work has been awarded nationally and internationally. In his lecture he will ask: Do things happen for a reason, or are they just consequences of an action? Lars Harmsen reveals that everything he has done was a deliberate attempt to change his life. He believes that in design there are no mistakes, just happy accidents. The creation of penicillin was a happy accident that resulted from Alexander Fleming’s discovery of mold growing in his agar plates. Same for Slanted. 100for10 and PosterRex? Well, distribution and sales are a bit different...

Thema: Stupid ideas and serious staff / Lars Harmsen

Uhrzeit: 28.Apr..2021 05:00 PM Wien

Zoom-Meeting beitreten Meeting-ID: 937 9289 0047 Kenncode: design (IND20, AUD20 and CMS20 are registered as part of their curricula)